What makes a good mobile app design

08 July 2021 Mobile App Development
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Mobile devices have made life easier for everyone. With a single click, we can book a ride, order food, health check, etc and almost use it for casual to critical reasons. Most of the day is spent on mobile devices using various apps.

When we talk about mobile apps, there are millions of apps available online and every day new apps are being developed. However, all apps do not shine in the limelight; some apps are uninstalled within moments of installation, while some apps take a long run. What makes these kinds of apps standalone from the rest? Well, all mobile apps that fulfill the users' desire to stay for a longer run.

A successful mobile app should

  • Have an amazing user experience
  • Must be engaging and interactive
  • Possess fast loading time

The design of the mobile app is the first thing that is noticed by the users. We have to design apps based on the user's perspective. The design offers the users a good user experience, as it is a crucial part of the product strategy. User experience is the deciding factor for a mobile app’s success.

Insight to Successful Mobile App Design

The mobile app design is the crucial part in the mobile app development process and it involves a lot of research, survey, and understanding the users needs. The design should impress them to take action- download and use the app. From a designers perspective, we might sometimes create a complex design that the users find hard to interpret. Learning about their ideas and opinions at the early stage gives more effect to design.

1. Proper Color

Color theme is a significant element in the design and is the foundation of the app. We are well aware that the color has a cultural, emotional, and social impact and provokes varied responses from the audience. While choosing colors or color themes, choose colors that resonate with the brand, like choosing colors that sync with the company’s color theme. Thus, the mobile app matches the company website and seems like an extension of the brand.

However, factors like composition tricks, textures, heavy usage of too many colors impact an amazing UX. Choose colors that give an interactive and quality experience to the users. Contrast used in the mobile app is also important, as going with a color scheme that has high contrast has a great impact on both content and design. After deciding the color theme for the mobile app, we can explore and experiment a bit more.

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2. Simple & Soft Elements

Simplicity does not have to be minimal or boring. Simple yet sophisticated design impresses the users. Even the first time, users must feel at ease while navigating the app without any tutorials and instructions that run through the steps. With a simple interface, the users can easily glide through the app. Similarly, the font style and size also matter most in mobile app design.

Using stylized fonts may be aesthetic, but it might be difficult for the users to read the content on the app. And if the users are unable to understand the contents, then the sole purpose of the app becomes a failure.

Always soften the elements in the interface to make it look sleek and smooth. It enhances the look of the mobile app. We need high resolution images that are visually appealing and increase user engagement and retention.

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3. Platform Support & Optimization

The mobile app must be accessible by varied devices without any glitches. Unless the brand or product is targeted at a specific platform, we have to design an app that is compatible on all platforms. It is important for the app to be responsive and usable. Explore, research, and identify all possible issues that might occur in the devices.

Another trouble users face with a mobile app is the trouble they encounter while downloading a file/graphic file. It is not always the size issue, but even the format can be an issue. It is better to choose a format that is universally compatible. We might not want our users to avoid our app for this reason.

While talking about different devices, the app’s content should be optimized according to the screen size. The design layout should adapt to the device's screen- if the screen changes, the view changes; turning the display environment. Therefore, we should design a responsive view controller.

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4. Design Iteration & Logo Design

With the help of various evolution and user input, an iterative design is obtained. This helps in organizing the design in such a way that it can be used to build engaging and interactive apps. Every iteration process has great value that can be used to enhance the mobile app.

Logo design has a great impact on the brand or product we design. It might not be a reason to succeed, but it builds a great impression among the users. The logo builds trust and connects with potential users. The logo must be simple and distinctive, and it is used to capture and address the users. As the brand or product evolves, logos have to evolve and the design must match the trend.

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5. Security & Beta Testing

In the app development process, the security and compliance problems are dealt with only at the later stage. We have to take security concerns and sensitive issues into account while designing the app. The user interface should have communication between the back-end team and other experts so that only the appropriate information is published, while keeping the personal information intact.

Similarly, beta testing creates room for further improvement. The beta users offer a fresh perspective to the design. Consider potential advice from the beta testing team and incorporate it into the designs to add value to the user interface.

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A mobile app’s success depends on its design. When the app has a good design, the user further moves on to check out its functionalities. We have discussed the important elements that are responsible for the success of mobile app design.

A perfect design consists of the color theme, infographics, and amazing visuals based on the market needs and target audience. The mobile app is the representation of the brand. Therefore, it is necessary to create an impactful UX/UI that empowers the brand image. Responsive UI/UX helps to easily connect with users and can make them potential customers. These are the key factors to keep in mind while designing successful mobile apps.

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