How to find best developers for your project?

10 June 2022 Website Development
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We use the digital platform in our everyday life. From paying bills, ordering groceries, streaming movies, to managing a business- digital infrastructure has placed a distinct space in our lives. Irrespective of the business and industry, the mobile applications and online marketing platform helps reach out to potential customers.

The software engineers are responsible for keeping the business afloat. Software developers are a crucial asset to a project. But, if they are ineffective and unproductive- it is a loss for the employer and the project.

5 General Habits Of Unprofessional Developers

Organizations and businesses around the world are moving towards digital transformation. Hence, the demand for software developers has increased in recent times. While we are in search of exceptional developers, we have to identify the incompetent developers and ditch them from the team.

Here are some career breaking practices an unproductive software developer follows,

  • Lacks To Envision New Possibilities
  • Not A Fan Of Testing
  • Unaware of Business Needs
  • Is Not A Team Player
  • Does Not Consider Security

1. Lacks To Envision New Possibilities

An ineffective software developer lacks finding creative solutions in their process. When the developer finds a flow in the project, they are not ready to work on improvising it. They don't want to mess with the process as they feel it is safe. When a developer is unable to utilize the freedom to try innovative methods or vision ingenious processes. Then, they cannot build groundbreaking projects or solve challenging problems.

2. Not A Fan Of Testing

Testing a code is an important task, but a few developers find this step unnecessary. A good developer never misses the testing phase because it is a terrific way to find and rectify the errors. It is impossible for a developer to identify each and every test case and outcome. An error or bug found as a result of quality assurance is better than encountering in production. Any developer who neglects the testing process is either delusional or ignorant.

3. Unaware of Business Needs

There are a few developers who consider their job is to simply deliver the project, without considering the end-user or customers. They find it hard to bridge their mindset into the real-world. These developers lack empathy, fundamental business challenges, domain knowledge, and technical expertise.

4. Is Not A Team Player

With the increasing complexity of software projects, teamwork is a necessity. However, a bad developer may not be a good team player, but it depends on other members of the team. This creates a negative impact within the team and it affects the entire process. Thus, productivity and efficiency decrease, making any kinds of innovation practices impossible.

5. Does Not Consider Security

Cyber attack and threat are very common in the present situation, and security is a crucial element in any project. But, a general practice the worst programmers follow is neglecting software security. An efficient programmer considers security in the design and architecture of the software.

How To Find Exceptional Developers For Your Project

Autuskey has been in the industry for the past 7 years and we are well aware of the market trends and demand. Out of many challenges in the digital platform- hiring/working with a professional developer team is of great demand.

The following are some of the common qualities we can find in a developer that differentiates them from typical developers to exceptional ones.

  • Profound Technical Knowledge
  • Good Team Player
  • Deliver As Promised
  • Strong Communication Skill
  • Active Learner
  • Focuses On End User

1. Profound Technical Knowledge

A developer who has knowledge of multiple technical languages knows which language suits best for a project to attain the optimal result. Their work is not only understandable and clear, but is diligent by technical standards.

At Autuskey, we have proficient professionals who adopt DevOps or agile methodologies to maximize our productivity.

2. Good Team Player

Generally, developers do what is asked from them, without asking any questions. But, an efficient developer asks questions until they fully understand the business requirements and the customers.

Our developers sit with the client team and discuss the project to ensure that their work adds value to the clients and their end users.

3. Deliver As Promised

Over the past few years, new technologies and best practices have evolved and developers who make an effort to learn new technologies and skills excel in their projects.

Software engineers in our company are self-learners who spend their time learning the latest tools and technologies and work with more flexibility, efficiency and accuracy.

4. Strong Communication Skill

Developers should be proficient in their communication skills so that they can easily connect with the clients needs and provide the best solutions.

Autuskey developers have amazing communication skills and they easily bond with the clients to understand and break down the challenges and deliver concise solutions.

5. Active Learner

Our developers easily analyze the amount of time required to complete a particular task and deliver exceptional results. They practice task management along with time management to deliver quality products within the stipulated time.

5. Focuses On End User

Our team of developers share their knowledge and best practices within themselves to upskill the team and deliver innovative solutions. Every member of the team has a good connection and understanding, so that the end products are always beyond expectations.


Developers are the core warriors in battling digital transformation and innovation. So, it is important to choose the right team of developers who are ready to work on projects that are challenging, exciting, and provide a learning experience.

Autuskey has the finest bunch of passionate developers who are motivated and thrilled to work on versatile projects.

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